
Many folks wonder when they first enter a church what that church believes.  Sometimes that can take several weeks to find out and can be frustrating.  Here is our Declaration of Faith and our Vision Statement which should help.  Just click on Scriptures and they will take you to read them.

1.  We believe that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, and for instruction in righteousness2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21

2,  In the one True God ( Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 43:10-11)  eternally existing in the persons of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Genesis 1:26, Matthew 3:16-17, 11:25-27, 28:192 Corinthians 13:14

3.  All have sinned and salvation is a work of grace wrought by faith in our hearts.  Romans 3:25, 5:12, 6:235:6-8, 10:9-10, 

4.  In Water Baptism by Immersion as prescribed by our Lord in Matthew 28:19.

5. In the Lords Supper.  1 Corinthians 11:23-33

6.  In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the eviidence of speaking in new tongues.

Luke 24:49, John 14:15-17, Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 8:12-1710:44-4611:14-1615:7-9 ,1 Corinthians 12:1-31

7.  Divine Healing ws provided for in the atonement and is still for believers today.

Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:16-17, 1 Peter 2:24, James 5:13-15Mark 6:13

8.  In a real heaven and a real hell.   John 14:1-4, Luke 16:19-29, Revelation 20:11-15

9.  Prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:16

10.   Tithing and Giving, Malachi 3:8-12, 2 Corinthians 9.

11.  The Gifts of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12, I Corinthains 14

12.  Working in Unity & Love Ephesians 4:1-311-13, John 15:12, 17:1-121 John 2:3-11

13.  His soon coming 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11Romans 8:32Titus 2:131 Corinthians 15:51-52